LEGION Simulator API Help

Running the Test Bench Examples

  1. After installation, find the "SimAPITestBench" folder. It will be under the installation folder:
  2. Open the Test Bench Visual Studio solution file SimApiTestBench_vc141.sln
    Note: If prompted to select the application to open the solution, select Visual Studio 2017.
  3. The solution contains a single project. Expand the project and its contents to find the SimApiTestBench.cpp file
  4. SimApiTestBench.cpp declares several examples.
  5. You can choose which examples to run by commenting out the #define lines for those you don't require
  6. Build the solution. All required include and library paths are pre-configured, so there should be no build issues. The build output is a simple console application showing simulation progress of each compiled example.
  7. Run the console application. Compiled examples are executed sequentially. It will exit automatically on completion; you can close the application at any time to terminate early.